We have embeded sustainability considerations throughout our business

At Ouro Inc, we utilize a highly lucrative trading program developed by industry experts and skilled developers. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and a proven trading strategy, our advanced trading system has been meticulously crafted to ensure profitability. Through intricately coded algorithms, we have engineered a solution to the uncertainties associated with trading, providing calculated forecasts to safeguard against losses and secure consistent profits

Our primary objective is to collaborate with portfolio company leadership, fostering an environment conducive to their thriving success. 

Our sustainability strategy is rooted in the principles of continuous evolution and a steadfast long-term approach.

  • Social Integration
  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Industry Partners
  • Dedicated Resources

Testing and Evaluation

We test our risk management framework through various market crises so we can gain confidence in its effectiveness and ensure that it can help to protect your investments during times of market uncertainty. 

Culture of Caution

The team takes a thorough and detailed approach to analyzing different asset classes in the markets. On risk level basis, our team gains a better understanding of the unique characteristics and risks of each trade.


In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, a survey conducted by the Bank for International Settlements shed light on a noteworthy trend: recessions do not necessarily impede the growth of financial assets trading, unlike many other forms of investment. Instead, economic downturns often create favorable conditions for currency, CFDs (Contracts for Difference), and derivative trading, rendering them appealing options for investors seeking shelter from market volatility. This phenomenon positions trading in these alternative instruments as potentially lucrative opportunities during times of economic uncertainty.for enhanced returns.


We function as a major traders in the commodities market by trading both their derivatives and futures. Our investment approach is rooted in a profound comprehension of commodity market underpinnings. 

precious metals

The business of trading precious metals, predominantly gold and silver, is among the most significant and well-established areas of expertise at AG Magnates. Employing a market-neutral strategy, we relentlessly strive for maximum returns, without being influenced by the prevailing market conditions.


Our forex trading team comprises of insightful experts who possess an in-depth comprehension of the financial markets. The team executes a meticulous approach that involves the application of both automated and manual proprietory strategies that are rooted in quantitative modeling and a nuanced perspective on fundamental data.


Our proficiency in cryptocurrency trading is an amalgamation of cutting-edge blockchain technology, mathematical algorithms, and machine learning models. We execute our trades across various digital assets and blockchain protocols, implementing high-frequency trading strategies, quantitative analysis, and algorithmic trading models. We specialize in various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins, and use a combination of technical and fundamental analysis to make informed investment decisions.

Discover Long-Term Investment Possibilities with Our Customized Accounts

Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented surge in the demand for genuine trading services, reflecting a growing trend among investors to explore alternative investment vehicles in pursuit of stable, risk-adjusted returns. Our aspiration is to be at the forefront as a thought leader, driving innovation and advancing the comprehension of sustainability issues. We consistently review and refine our sustainability strategies to align with the latest scientific and technological advancements, as well as changes in the global economy, ethical standards, and evolving consumer preferences. This ongoing commitment ensures that our sustainability thinking remains dynamic and responsive to the evolving landscape.

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By joining our extensive network, you open doors to exciting opportunities. Our platform serves as a gateway to a world of innovative investment ideas, alternative strategies, and emerging market trends. Stay informed and gain an edge in the fast-paced world of finance with educational materials and research reports to personalized investment insights and tailored recommendations.