
Join Us Now to Generate Above Average Returns fron the Financial Markets!

We are an Investment Solutions Partner Offering True Long-term Investment Options for Sustainable Growth

New Benchmark Through Superior Returns on Investments

Simply Better!

If failure were off the table, what investments would you aim for?

Leveraged investments like stock indices, forex, or gold can be risky for inexperienced traders but can also be highly profitable for those with experience. At Ouro Inc., our seasoned traders have years of experience navigating financial markets. We aim to connect smart investors with safe offshore investments designed to grow steadily over time. We see ourselves as a bridge between these investors and opportunities that offer long-term financial growth

Account in 2 minutes

Locate and click on ‘Login/Register’ at the top right corner of your screen. Follow the instructions to set up your account. If you already have an account, simply log in

Choose a fund

Log in to your account dashboard and choose the investment plan that aligns with your preferences. Proceed to make the required deposits, and witness your money actively working for you

Earn & Withdraw

Depending on each plan. Interest on your offshore investment fund is distributed monthly and credited to your available balance at the end of each period. You can withdraw anytime thereafter.

Current Insights

In today's ever-changing investment arena, it has become clear that traditional investment avenues may not always deliver the desired results. Standard portfolios heavily concentrated only in stocks, bonds and even real estate are yielding diminishing returns, according to a Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse . Another research by PriceWaterHouse (PwC) concluded that hedge funds outperformed traditional mutual funds by an average of 4.4% annually over a 10-year period ending in 2020.

As a result of these findings, a significant portion of the wealth of the super rich is now being allocated to alternative investments such as private equity, derivative trading, and hedge funds. At Ouro Inc. we are removing the hurdles of accessing the benefits of the hedge fund universe by making simple attractive portfolio available to all investors to achieve higher risk-adjusted returns. Since inception, the funds have showcased consistent history of superior performance with no instances of negative annual results up to the present day. Whether you prefer a short-term 24-month plan or a more extended +60 month option, our funds caters to all investors’  preferences.



Invest with confidence, knowing you can access your funds anytime. Get your monthly income instantly! Withdraw seamlessly to any bank, card, or popular payment provider like Paypal, Skrill or your Crypto wallets. Start experiencing hassle-free withdrawals. today!


Get instant access to your monthly income, exceeding industry average returns, Distributions processed on the 4th of every month. Enjoy regular payouts every month. Double your returns compared to traditional options. Start earning today!


Broad set of assets traded under one roof

The last thing you want is another losing investment. That’s why a balanced approach, one that invests across many sectors and geographies makes sense!

We offer actively managed solutions and strategies that have varying return and risk objectives, all developed to meet our clients' needs. Clients can select from a broad array of strategies across the asset class spectrum


Leverage the unmatched experience and agility of our equity specialists to achieve consistent, market-beating returns across diverse market conditions. we deliver personalized investment strategies tailored to your unique needs, whether you seek high growth, long-term value, or a balance of both


We offer bespoke solutions that cover global and regional asset allocation, currency investment strategies, and a diverse range of asset classes.. We combine independent research with experienced investment professionals to deliver sustainable returns without compromise


our platform provides a comprehensive suite of hedge fund strategies, offering both single manager and multi-manager solutions. With a focus on scale, experienced global teams, operational excellence, and robust risk management, we strive to strategically allocate across the dynamic hedge fund universe.


Unlock a world of investment opportunities with direct access to precious metals, commodities, and currencies. Build a diverse portfolio and hedge against inflation with expert guidance

Join the new generation of smart investors

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